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Plastic Tubing

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High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Tubing




High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) tubes are used for conducting chemicals, conducting corrosive products, adding and distributing water, irrigation, protecting cables or other tubes, the food, pharmaceutical and beverage industries.

High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Tubing

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High density polyethylene (HDPE) tubes are of a type of polyolefin whose physical and chemical characteristics qualify it as one of the best materials for direct contact with food. Its main characteristics are atoxicity, high chemical resistance to both bases and strong acids and low friction coefficient. High Density Polyethylene has good tensile strength and ductility properties at room temperature. However, under severe conditions of pressure, low temperature and high deformation speeds, it becomes brittle. These tubes are also used in low pressure pneumatic industries despite limited thermomechanical resistance. Meets the requirements of IEC 61770 for tubes used in electrical devices connected to mains (drinking fountains and drinking water purifiers). Antimicrobial and anti-UV additives can be incorporated which increase the durability (life time) of the tube according to the application conditions.

Key Properties

  • Excellent corrosion resistance
  • Excellent chemical resistance
  • High impact resistance
  • Good abrasion resistance
  • Good thermal insulation
  • Non-stick
  • Nontoxic (inert material, FDA approved)
  • Low weight
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